RCCB vs. MCB: Which One Is Right for Your Electrical Safety?

When comparing RCCB vs. MCB, it’s important to understand how each device functions and which one is better suited for different electrical protection needs. While both serve to protect circuits, they do so in different ways, making it crucial to select the right one for your system.

What is an RCCB?

An RCCB (Residual Current Circuit Breaker) is primarily designed to detect leakage currents, which can occur due to faulty wiring or electrical appliances. RCCBs are available with rated current trip sensitivities of 300mA, 100mA, 30mA, and 10mA, which allows them to disconnect the power supply in the event of an electrical fault, preventing electrical shocks. For applications where human safety is a concern, such as kitchens or bathrooms, an RCCB is essential.

How Does an MCB Compare?

The MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker), unlike the RCCB, is used for protecting circuits from overloads or short circuits. MCBs are available with ratings ranging from 6A to 125A, offering protection against electrical damage due to overcurrent. CHINT’s NXB-40 Miniature Circuit Breaker, for example, has a rated current of 6A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 32A, and 40A, providing a wide range of options to suit various applications. For more substantial needs, the NXB-125G MCB offers rated currents of 63A, 80A, 100A, and 125A.


The decision between RCCB vs. MCB depends on your specific requirements. If you’re concerned about leakage currents and electrical shocks, the RCCB is the better choice. However, if you’re looking to protect circuits from overloads or short circuits, an MCB is more suitable. CHINT offers both RCCBs and MCBs, providing reliable solutions for all types of electrical protection needs. Choose the right device for your application and ensure the safety and stability of your electrical systems.

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